Mick Wormsley. Troop political

The passing of Mick Wormsley ex RAF MRt was last week upset me what a character he was. I Only got to know him at RAF Leuchars when he was posted in! I got too know Mick when he joined Leuchars MRT he came from Leeming MRT. We had some great days like Mitre Ridge and Square face on Beinn A Bhuird and we got on so well. We spoke about politics he was pretty radical. Yet I shared an enjoyed the chats he was politically motivated and came from a very strong of family involv in politics.

On Katahin

I got too know Mick well when he joined Leuchars MRT he came from Leeming MRT. We spoke about politics he was pretty radical. Yet I shared an enjoyed the chats he was politically motivated and came from a very strong of family involvement in politics and the Environment! He was an early vegetarian that btought him more pressure this was the mi 80s, his strong visws led to him. This led him. To Applying to Leave the RAf .

After many panful months he was allowed to leave the RAF. it was not an easy time for him. The Police “RAF” had already given a rollocking to the some of team and the helicopter crews for wearing Save the Wales badges on rescues. How petty.they were sure anarchy was in the air.

When Mick eventually left he went to Findhorn studying wind power and the Environment. He emigrated and went to Unity College in USA as a lecturer in Maine.

Unity college”,More than simply being one of the best universities for environmental science, Unity offers degrees in diverse fields with a focus on our natural world—from animal science to sustainable agriculture. Maybe you want to learn how to rehabilitate endangered wildlife. Or use immersive technology to solve environmental challenges. Or study the inhabitants of fragile underwater ecosystems. (In fact, we’re one of only a few marine biology universities in Maine.) Whatever your goals are, we’ll help you build the skills to make it happen

He really fitted into academic life and loved his job.

He married Amie and we stayed in touch. His house became me a small. Farm. Where he grew his own produce and kept his own animals! He took over editing the RAF MRT Mountain Associations varied newsletters.

He met the troops in Yosemite a few years ago later they were climbing and he joined them.

He and his wife Amie who all also lectured at Unity colledge

They were great hosts. When I was invited to America after

I was. The keynote speaker at annual conferences, a great honour and a month with Yosemite MRT..iI got too know Mick when he joined Leuchars MRT he came from Leeming MRT. We had some great days on the local hills. Climbing.

We spoke about politics in the house with him,at Leuchars we shared thoughts Once I got to know him he had strong views He decided to leave the military due to his political views and ended up working for me as awaited a decision being made. This for several months. he was pretty radical. Yet I shared and enjoyed the chats he was politically motivated and came from a very strong of family involvement in politics. He never forgot this,

He asked the questions that need, it’s sad news

he was a free spirit ,I wish there were more like him.

About heavywhalley.MBE

Mountain Rescue Specialist. Environmentalist. Spent 37 years with RAF Mountain Rescue and 3 years with a civilian Team . Still an active Mountaineer when body slows, loves the wild places.
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